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December 27, 2021
1 min read
Happy holidays from The Weekly Pitch! A big shout out and thank you to all of our readers. Our subscriber base has grown over 500% since the first issue on May 10!
To celebrate, we thought it would be fun to look back at your top five posts – voted by you and your eyes.
Looking ahead to next year, we need your feedback to take The Weekly Pitch 2022 to the next level. Please take one minute to rank-order what you want to see from us in 2022!
Meet Kyle Whetstone, an inside senior sales rep for Enphase Energy. His day-to-day is intense! So is his competition. Watch his 3-minute video to learn his secrets for beating Elon Musk, all day, every day.
Sales managers give extra support and attention to these two types of performers; the third is hung out to dry.
Sales compensation is ever-changing, so we provide the latest trends and solutions to attract and keep talent.
Go into your next one-on-one with a more innovative format that's engaging for both the manager and the rep.
Go into your next one-on-one with a more innovative format that's engaging for both the manager and the rep.
It would mean the world to us if you could take one minute to rank-order your preferences to make The Weekly Pitch even better in 2022!
Happy New Year from The Weekly Pitch! Thank you for subscribing.
The Weekly Pitch
1700 Lincoln Street
17th Floor
Denver, CO 80203
Start your week with the stories and insights that matter most to the sales community.